miercuri, 30 decembrie 2015

How to Refine Your Psychic Abilities

Psychic abilities like clairvoyance, clairaudience, seeing auras, precognition, psychometry, telepathy, channeling, spiritual healing, astral travel, out of body experiences… and more, are not the spiritual gifts of the few. Psychic abilities can be learned and developed by all.
Psychic abilities are already present within all, but for many, these abilities and skills have been blocked out over the years by layers of density, thought, doubt, and limiting belief. The blessing in this, is that the ability has been there all along, and with intention and persistence, psychic abilities can be activated, developed, and awakened now.
Everyone has, and can develop their psychic ability.
In saying this however, I do not mean that everyone is meant to be a professional psychic or energy healer. If you’re not drawn at all to develop psychically…

How to Support a Child with Psychic Abilities

"Psychically gifted children are becoming more and more the norm today. They’re not weird, dangerous, or anything like that… They simply perceive reality in a different way, and through their expanded senses often have access to increased information when compared to most other people.
Just about everyone has some psychic ability, the difference is that psychic children have abilities that are strong and pronounced from an early age so they’re noticed. Psychic kids often appear bright, and tend to share insightful truths about life from an early age.

Venice and its subtle waters - a prose poem

As I walk in Venice I am always taught of the walking on waters and the miraculous worlds underneath. I am amazed to find my Atlanthean worlds waiting for and unfolding for me here.
Every walk along the waters reveals more and more of my communication with this secret civilization, one living beside us but on a different frequency band (zone), luring me with its joy and beauty, but also with stories of an ancient, ancient past.
They expect me to be there, welcoming me and enjoying my presence, just as much as I enjoy theirs. A luscious world...
The clear, blue waters shelter this magnificent civilization, just a thin vibrational wall shielding it from the gallons of water that float about the Mediterranean sea.
A luscious decadence of joy, wealth and beauty, welcoming warm faces and embracing applause every time my consciousness dwells upon them, making me more present to their realm. I am entitled to be there, just as much as they are entitled to welcome and wait for me. I am one of theirs, just as much as I belong to any other world I might focus upon.
The underwater worlds are a precious gift the reality gives me as I come back to it from the endless dream of dreaming the worlds. Or is it just another dream?
It all is...

marți, 22 decembrie 2015

Expozitie Soul Healing Art - 22.12.2015 - ora 7 pm

In sprijinul campaniei "MAI BINE...LOVE!", organizam in data de 22.12.15, ora 7 pm, expozitia cu vanzare in care veti putea gasi materialele Soul Healing Art by Cristiana Dragomir Eltrayan: vaze pictate manual, tablouri, meditatii pictate. Toate acestea sunt idei unicat de cadouri pentru Craciun, iar o parte din fondurile stranse in cadrul expozitiei vor fi folosite pentru hrana si daruri in cadrul campanei "MAI BINE...LOVE!"
Vom avea si "povesti" speciale de Craciun cu Cristiana Dragomir Etrayan, intr-o atmosfera calda si relaxanta. 

Paradise Cambridge School - Scoala Paradis - Pacurari, Str.Iancu Flondor, langa Cimitirul Evreiesc ( de la Alfabank Pacurari, la dreapta si in sus pe straduta cam 500 m - o cladire cu verde si albastru pe dreapta dupa ce treceti de arcada Cartierului Amfiteatru).

Tot in sprijinul campaniei, o parte din vanzarile de sarbatori ale site-urilor SOUL HEALING MATERIALS (http://meditatiidezvoltarepersonala.tictail.com/) si
SOUL HEALING ART(http://soulhealingart.tictail.com/) vor fi transformate in hrana si cadouri pentru persoanele aflate in dificultate.
Detalii despre campanie aici: https://www.facebook.com/CristianaDragomirConsilierdezvoltarepersonala/photos/a.168498623322049.1073741828.168484033323508/472906276214614/?type=3.

Cu drag,
Terapeut holistic & Life Coach
Tel: 0746 165 813
E-mail: cristiana.dragomir999@gmail.com


Campania MAI BINE...LOVE! - Editia a 10-a - 22.dec.2015

Dragi prieteni, asa cum v-am obisnuit, lunar sau o data la doua luni avem colecta MAI BINE...LOVE!, in cadrul careia strangem haine, alimente si accesorii pentru persoanele aflate in dificultate.
In aceasta editie ne-am propus sa facem acest lucru la scara mai larga, invitandu-va pe fiecare sa contribuiti in modul in care simtiti, in data de 22 dec. 2015.
Iata cateva idei:

duminică, 20 decembrie 2015

Ce inseamna EŞEC pentru tine?

Nu poţi intra de două ori în acelaţi râu - Heraclit

   Când eram mică am fost învăţată că trebuie să am succes în orice: nu aveam voie să greşesc la teme, trebuia să fiu politicoasă cu toată lumea, iar dacă nu îmi jucam rolul de  "fetiţă cuminte" la şcoala, eram pedepsită drastic.
Cunoaşteţi filmul? Aşa învaţă copiii despre TREBUIE...
Apoi m-am făcut (mai) mare şi am început să fiu un vânător de succese, ceea ce m-a dus, fără doar şi poate, spre managementul organizării de evenimente. De succes! :)
Dar, când m-am căsătorit şi apoi a trebuit să divorţez, cineva din familie mi-a spus : "Vai, Cristiana, dar asta este un eşec!". Şi am început să privesc cuvântul ăsta cu mai multă atenţie...
Ce înseamnă cu adevărat eşec?

miercuri, 16 decembrie 2015

Povestea creionului

  " Copilul îşi privea bunicul scriind o scrisoare. La un moment dat, întrebă:
-Scrii o poveste care ni s-a întâmplat nouă? Sau poate e o poveste despre mine?
Bunicul se opri din scris, zâmbi şi-i spuse nepotului:
-E adevărat, scriu despre tine. Dar mai important decât cuvintele este creionul cu care scriu. Mi-ar plăcea să fii ca el, când vei fi mare.
Copilul privi creionul intrigat, fiindcă nu văzuse nimic special la el...

vineri, 11 decembrie 2015

How to perceive angels

Seeing Angels

'Many people have the idea that seeing angels is similar to seeing other people, except angels of course have ornate wings and halos… The reality however, is that the natural state of angels is pure spirit, high vibrational frequency, and light.
For this reason, seeing angels is usually more like seeing flashes of light, orbs, or streaks of luminescent color, than it is like seeing your friend standing across the room from you.

joi, 10 decembrie 2015

Some myths on the perfect partner : Twin flames?

      Folositi butonul TRANSLATE (colt dreapta sus) pentru limba romana sau alta
      In spiritual communities I often meet single people, especially women, who tell me they always get into the "wrong" relationships or are not finding the right  one, and then conclude that their partner is definitely not in the physical plane.
     A lot of articles about twin flames and soul mates are enhancing the belief in the perfect couple, perfect match made in Heaven, that often seem to "mistake" the entry date and don't manage to come on Earth both at the same time, so one of them gets "stuck" here, always looking for the right partner, but feeling/knowing that he/she is not on Earth...

miercuri, 9 decembrie 2015

How the solar flares could affect you - 5D transformations &WAVE X

"Wave X is the term given by Dr. Simon Atkins to the big wave of electromagnetic frequency that is has been prophesized to arrive on the planet at the end of September this year. There is scientific evidence that proves that electromagnetic frequencies from the sun affect every living thing and its consciousness on the planet. How will Wave X’s electromagnetic and cosmic frequencies affect you?

sâmbătă, 5 decembrie 2015

You always want what does not exist

You (women) always want what does not exist.

      The philosophic conclusion of a pizza-man as I was always asking for the type he didn't have...
      As I explained to him that women are like that, they suddenly change their mind and once you get them one thing they might ask for the other, he concluded this way, labeling the whole species into discontentment.
     Which led me to thinking: is it true that we always want what there is not, or are we asking for the potential possibilities and therefore bring them into being? Cause anything that's ever been created has been in a potential field before coming into being, and someone has wanted it and asked for it until it became...real.
      Are we really undecided and moody, or we are, by our permanent state of demanding, bringing the potential things into creation, therefore pushing the limits of what has so far been created ?
       I'm voting for the second, as my own experience proves that being grateful for what is is one thing, and settling for less than what can be is another...


Cristiana Dragomir Eltrayan  
Holistic Therapist & Coach
 (Soul Healing)  
Tel:+4 0746 165 813
E-mail: cristiana.dragomir999@gmail.com  
Youtube: Cristiana Dragomir Eltrayan 

duminică, 29 noiembrie 2015


Motto: "What would be best: fulfilling all your wishes, or transcending your greatest one?"
Samsara - the movie

Well, this seems to be the core dilemma at the center of many spiritual seekers...As many traditions have taught us about transcendence, when one "embarks" on his spiritual path, he seems to embrace the need to "give it all up" and many find themselves highly ungrounded after a time of intense spiritual practice.
Being able to not get profoundly impacted or imbalanced by the changes in your life, or the "external" world is one thing, yet filling compelled to detached from "worldly" joy in order to feel spiritual is another. We are here for the JOY. External is a reflection of the internal. Our ability to bring and hold light into matter (or to maintain the focus that matter is light, by mere observation) seems to be the key for this new era. The creation of "Heaven on Earth" begins with the acknowledging of Earth as Heaven, of our body as temples, of worldly activities as divine expressions of our light-being nature.

vineri, 27 noiembrie 2015

The Rich Romania - Romania cea bogata

Some people think of Romania as of a poor country. But it's not really a poor country, it's just that the resources are not well distributed and people have a poverty mentality. The country, though, is actually very rich: lots of gold and riches in the soil, all forms of relief, all available seasons to grow good crops, rich fertile soil to plant crops in, good, healthy, healing waters and all the seven energy centers connected to the Planetary Anahata...

marți, 24 noiembrie 2015

Dive deeper, love stronger, open your heart wider...

I sometimes see people living by routine most of the time: running around, doing their deeds, spinning thoughts in their head - most of the time in their head. And when an unusual event gets them back to their heart (maybe the death of a dear one, the birth of a child, maybe falling in love), it's like they're stripped bare, pants pulled down without a notice, they don't know what to do and most of them get scared, trying to escape back in their head or back intro the quotidian again...
But that's just the first shot, and once you've opened your heart again it's gonna keep on coming...wink emoticon

sâmbătă, 14 noiembrie 2015

Raw Generation Expo la Iasi - 15.11.15

Raw Generation Expo si-a deschis pentru prima data portile in Bucuresti, in toamna anului 2010 si a continuat pana in prezent cu editii in Bucuresti si in alte orase ale tarii. Ne-am bucurat foarte mult ca ne-am putut intalni, cunoaste si mai ales ca ati venit special pentru noi din intreaga tara si din alte parti ale lumii. Dar a sosit momentul sa venim si noi la voi, asadar anul acesta am organizat o editie de Raw Generation Expo la Cluj (aici puteti vedea pozele de la eveniment), iar in toamna aceasta, ne indreptam spre Iasi. E bine de retinut ca editia de la Bucuresti se va tine mereu, insa una sau doua editii pe an vor fi si in alte orase importante din Romania dar si din alte tari.

Meditation and High Blood Pressure

"Meditation has long been revered for its mind, body and spirit benefits. It is a practice that has stood the test of time for thousands of years, and now in every walk of life – from children to adults and in every religion, it is being slowly accepted as normal practice. Most people consider the spiritual benefits of meditation and rarely ever think about the physical benefits that one can gain through the practice of meditation.

What Meditation Is

Meditation is the practice of bringing the mind, body and soul into harmony with one another. Sounds easy! well luckily, it is, but so many people think of it as a chore and not something that is a gift that is inherent within us all – rather like your intuition.

marți, 10 noiembrie 2015

Exercitiile fizice potrivite si Respectarea corpului

Exercitiile fizice potrivite si Respectarea corpului

INTRO - Parte introductiva a cursului video SUCCESUL CA STIL DE VIATA cu Cristiana Dragomir Eltrayan. 
In acest curs afli despre gasirea ritmului potrivit, a motivatiei si a vointei necesare in exercitiile fizice, despre cum sa te conectezi cu propriul corp si sa ii asculti nevoile si despre cum sa faci alegeri intelepte in toate aspectele legate de corpul fizic: alimentatie, sport, cosmetice, hidratare etc.
Acest workshop este un modul al cursului video SUCCESUL CA STIL DE VIATA cu Cristiana Dragomir Eltrayan. Pentru intreg cursul intra pe:
Detalii despre facilitator:

Pentru intreg cursul intra pe:

Cu drag,

Terapeut holistic & Life Coach
Tel: 0746 165 813
E-mail: cristiana.dragomir999@gmail.com

sâmbătă, 7 noiembrie 2015

Attention to children

Children not having received enough attention in their early childhood, they always play two roles as adults, searching for energy:
The distant: the one who pretends not to be interested, plays the cold/tough guy, always hiding feelings, most of the time betraying his heart's call;
The victim:  the one always complaining, blaming or moaning, in an unhappy pose, in search of some compassion or attention.
Both of the roles are equally destructive in relationships, and really unnecessary, as there's enough energy for all in this big Universe and there's no need to play roles to get it from another person.
There's still much to be said about this, and it's the kind of situation that can eventually be easily resolved in a Soul Healing session, but, as parents, please always make sure you take time for your children, always put them first: their physical and emotional health depends on it.


Cristiana Dragomir Eltrayan  
Holistic Therapist & Coach
 (Soul Healing)  
Tel:+4 0746 165 813
E-mail: cristiana.dragomir999@gmail.com  
Youtube: Cristiana Dragomir Eltrayan 

vineri, 30 octombrie 2015

Piramida holografica din Ceahlau

" In prima decadă a lunii august, la răsăritul Soarelui, umbra vârfului piramidal Toaca, combinată cu umbra vârfului Piatra Ciobanului, formează, timp de peste 80 de minute, o hologramă naturală, cu aspect de piramidă perfectă. Prin unicitate și măreție, fenomenul constituie, fără îndoială, din cele mai vechi timpuri, o autentică hierofanie și, după opinia noastră, constituie principalul motiv pentru desfășurarea, în timpul apariției sale, în prima decadă a lunii august, a Sărbătorii Muntelui, o sărbătoare uraniană, cu o vechime posibilă mai mare de 5.000 de ani (peste care s-a suprapus o sărbătoare creștină).
Doar doi munți din România au sărbătoarea lor, Ceahlău și Găina. Ziua Muntelui, organizată în fiecare an pe 6 august în Ceahlău, are o semnificație ce se pierde în negura timpurilor și a ajuns fie confundată cu “Schimbarea la față”, sărbătorită de ortodocși la aceeași dată. Oamenii pleacă de cu noapte, pentru a ajunge în vârf dimineața, când răsare soarele.

Spiritual evolution? Change, change, change, let go...change!

Folositi butonul TRANSLATE pentru limba romana

     Six years ago, 2009, a very busy life spinning around me.One evening woke up on the bathroom floor...after a short "pause in consciousness". A few days later, visiting hospitals, doctors with no answers for my condition, just the "Maybe you're too tired" phrase.I was too tired. I was tired of my life...
Or maybe Spirit was "cutting off power", as I was too away from my life's path.
     So after getting back on track, as soon as I'm able to drive I get in the car and join a meditation group.I needed balance. And so my  spiritual journey re-started.
     As a kid, I would always say " We are energy, everything is energy" - I had read some philosophical books and it just felt right...I liked to meditate/ sleep inside crystals and I loved art and any type of esotheric science.Studied numerology, even chiromancy, with the avidity of a starving scientist. Yet, somehow, I was unclear about the Divine Presence, I would see it more like an ubicuous energy governing everything than a men with a beard standing there above a church. And so it started with spirituality for me in my early childhood...then I grew up, became a manager and forgot all about it...until I turned 27.
     After re-starting the meditations, the leap in consciousness started and my outer life had to adapt my inner movements & changes. 'Cause spirituality always comes with big changes and cleaning in the day to day life, when practiced diligently. If only we have the strength to follow our inner guidance.
     Then the game of change began to grow stronger:
     2010, - changed job on full "economical crisis", deciding to start my own business, when everyone thought I was crazy.I started my own company according to my inner guidance and it went great from week 1.
     2011, afetr 6 years of marriage, felt it was no longer in allignment with my soul and moved on, not looking back. Well, sort of...but did the game of change anyway!
     2011, again, changed car, way of working in my company and many other things that I had to give away
     2012, after two beautiful years in my new company and my new relationship, after redecorating my home and finally being in a state of "worldly" satisfaction, had to change it all again: left my home, moved in a rented one, changed the course of my company from medical events organizing  to personal&spiritual development ones, and it was all almost like starting anew...Changes, changes, changes.
     2013, spring, again a time of change: After 10 days of darkroom, with only fruit juice or prana, non-stop meditation and learning new energy techniques, change came again. Got home and felt the walls were too narrow, had to leave again, my spirit was not fitting in anymore - so this time I had to change everything: moved to a new city, within a single week, gave all the money i had left to the rent owner, then..started praying. I had no idea how it will work, started a new job form scratch in the holistic therapy , had no friends in this new city, and all I knew is I am there to seriously practice the holistic therapy I had learned. I also knew I had to start workshops and conferences on spirituality and energy healing, I knew I had to stop and change the activity in my company again...And so I did! All I had was the divine guidance, no clear projects and plans. But that was enough for me.
      Did I worry? Yes, mostly about the rent, as I was not really used to live in someone else's house, so I felt an immense pressure at the end of every month, until things got into balance. The rest of it seemed really fine, work projects started pouring in, people started to get to know me, and a huge amount of creativity kept flowing though.
      So...2 years later, again, 2015, after having written 3 books, recorded 5 guided meditation CDs, video classes and more, held more than 60 conferences on spiritual evolution around the country and many many healing sessions, am ready and pushed to change again. Just ended a beautiful but complicated 4-5 years relationship, finished redecorating and harmonizing my home, my career is in balance and my clients happy...so it's obviously time for a new stage.
      Ready to leave it all again, fully prepared for what future and divine grace have to offer.
      Dera danda uthao :)

Terapeut holistic & Life Coach
Tel: 0746 165 813
E-mail: cristiana.dragomir999@gmail.com