joi, 14 mai 2015

How we are all connected - scientific proof

Studii stiintifice despre interconectivitatea fiintelor umane cu toate formele de viata si despre cum undele campului magnetic al inimii si undele cerebrale se sincronizeaza intre fiintele care se cunosc si nu numai. Si despre felul cu campul geomagnetic al Pamantului stocheaza informatii si le transmite intre oameni si nu numai. Folositi butonul translate

Key Connections
HRV synchronization – 2011-2015 study: The heart rate variability (HRV), or heart rhythms of individuals in different locations synchronize with each other over a 30-day period, indicating humanity is synchronized to rhythms in the earth’s fields.
Heart-brain interaction – 2007 study: Researchers record a number of instances in which a mother’s brain waves synchronize to her baby’s heartbeats.
Happy couples’ heart rhythms synchronize with each other when sleeping together.
Increasing heart coherence – 2003 study: Researchers observe an increase in a boy and his dog’s heart-rhythm coherence levels when the boy is instructed to “feel” love and care for his dog.

2015 Science of Interconnectivity Research Project

The studies above, among others, prompted HeartMath Institute to explore whether such connectedness might also exist on a grander scale. Is each individual, for instance, connected to every other individual – and even all living things – through some sort of global field environment?

We launched the 2015 Science of Interconnectivity Research Project to help answer these questions and follow up on a study involving 1,600 participants. Scientists found that geomagnetic and solar activity were significantly associated with effects on mental functions and emotional states in many of the study’s participants.

Two key areas HMI hopes to explore in relation to this study are:

1.Do human attitudes, emotions and intentions affect our personal environment and the global field environment?
2.Does Earth’s electromagnetic field carry biologically relevant information that connects all living systems?
Contributions to this project, in addition to helping expand on previous studies, will be used to retain the services of HeartMath Institute’s adopted scientist, Heather Connery, for another year. Since January 2014, Connery has been analyzing geomagnetic activity recorded by the Global Coherence Monitoring System’s sensor sites around the world. HMI wants her and others to continue analyzing and cataloguing an existing large volume of data along with new data that streams in continuously.

Help keep this research alive by making your donation today. Your continued support and energy are what has made HeartMath a committed nonprofit research and education organization. We sincerely thank you and will keep you informed about this project’s progress and our latest findings on how we are all connectedClick to Donate


Cristiana Dragomir  
Holistic Therapist & Coach
 (Soul Healing)  
Tel:+4 0746 165 813

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