vineri, 12 iulie 2019

Memories Of An Evolved Humanoid Civilization - Elysium

fantasy art pyramids 1920x1080 wallpaper 37
"In the very beginning of time, when this Planet was first colonised by advanced Beings from other Galaxies, as well as Planets within this Universe and Solar System, underground bases were set up.  The scientists involved thus lived in these bases, until such time as the whole planet was stabilised and made habitable.
 As said before, some 800 000 then started the civilisation - The great 7th dimensional Elysium people, that first inhabited most of the Indian Ocean, the Australian and Asian lands (most of these now under the sea) eastern most tip of Southern Africa, 30° East and 30° South, was a part of the Elysium Civilisation - which INCLUDED the Island of Madagaskar, Antarctica, which with the sinking of the Elysium lands, and the continental shift - then was separated from the Eastern shores of the south-eastern African continent.

Portalul Sirius – Via Giza – Către Al Șaptelea Soare Central Al Iluminării

Porțile Soarelui se deschid, prin Sirius , către cel de-al Șaptelea Soare Central al Iluminării.
În timpurile străvechi, atunci când s-a format crusta exterioară a planetei Pământ, au fost implantate pe suprafața sa anumite portaluri energetice, care se conectează direct la cele 12 galaxii principale originale.

marți, 24 aprilie 2018


When I was 11, my grandfather who has raised me died, leaving me in a feeling of despair hat took years to recover from(see full story here).

24 years from then, I have helped hundreds of people overcome a loss and recover after the departure of a dear one - family member,lover, friend. The Soul Healing Therapy that I practice has helped me see how fine the boundaries between the planes are and how easy we can connect to and contact our dear ones (or stay open to hear their messages, as they often act like angels for us).

Now I have recorded this MEDITATION TO COMMUNE WITH THE DEPARTED ONES - which helps you relax, calm your mind and release the grief and suffering, as well as the bonds and ties that keep you in a mourning state, also affecting the energy of the departed one. This meditation is created to set you both free so that only love and harmonious communication stays between you, so that you never feel separated again.

Access the 
 MEDITATION TO COMMUNE WITH THE DEPARTED ONES by making a donation here, and your download link will be sent to you via email:


Listen to the INTRO (the beginning part of this mediation) here:

Contact us at for any questions or insights.

duminică, 12 noiembrie 2017

A patra faza a apei si energia libera-Apa structurata

Dr. Gerald Pollack, profesor de bioinginerie la Universitatea din Washington, a dezvoltat teoria apei numită revoluționară.
În ultimii zece ani și-a dedicat întreg timpul pentru a încerca să convingă audienta din toata lumea, că apa nu este de fapt un lichid.

vineri, 1 septembrie 2017

Biofizician din Rusia: „Oamenii se TRANSFORMA incepand din 2012, dar inca nu isi dau seama”

Omul s-a transformat in extraterestru si deja noi traim pe o noua planeta, conform biofizicianului rus, Valentina Mironova. Potrivit acesteia, care are o experienta de 20 de ani la Centrul Cosmic al Rusiei, lumea noastra s-a schimbat fara sa simtim. Acest lucru s-a intamplat la momentul schimbarii cuantice, pe care multi l-au desemnat ca fiind 21.12.2012.

marți, 8 august 2017

Salturi evolutive si schimbari in ADN

Dragi prieteni,
Ma bucur sa intram din nou in contact si sa va transmit cateva noutati extraordinare despre schimbarile planetare, cosmice, dar si nationale, la nivel energetic si fizic, pe care le experimentam.

duminică, 6 august 2017

Noi energii transformatoare - deschiderea Porții Leului in August 2017

Perioada astrologică a Leului rulează între 23 iulie și 22 august.

Între aceste date se află o zi specială specială – 8 august.

Ea este a 8-a zi a lunii a 8-a și marchează deschiderea Porții Leului.
Acest lucru este important din mai multe motive.