The Trip Of The Sun
I felt called to invite you to this beautiful sacred energetic tour to some of the most important energy centers in Romania.
As I have worked with and enjoyed these beautiful sacred places, I felt called to now form a group of those familiar to these activities who feel called to come recharge and tune into more energy portals in the mountains.
The tour I am inviting you in is imprinted by the energies of Mother Mary and other sacred divine beings working with and protecting these places.We will travel through amazing mountain areas of Romania and visit pilgrimmage places an sacred sits with beautiful energy portals in Transilvania.

Tour date : soon to come
All tour participants will be meeting in Iasi(airport city) and from there we go by car or shuttle to the tour objectives.
All tour participants will be meeting in Iasi(airport city) and from there we go by car or shuttle to the tour objectives.
Check out the tour objectives and let me know should you feel to join us.
Day 1 – Iasi - Sambata de Sus
We go to Sambata de Sus Monastery and the Healing Spring of the saint Arsenie Boca – the places where the saint has lived.The area is filled with a special fresh and pure energy and is correspondent to Romania’s Crown Chakra.
We go to Sambata de Sus Monastery and the Healing Spring of the saint Arsenie Boca – the places where the saint has lived.The area is filled with a special fresh and pure energy and is correspondent to Romania’s Crown Chakra.
De la Iasi mergem catre Manastirea Sambata si Izvorul, locurile in care a vietuit Parintele Arsenie Boca.
From Sambata, we visit the Sinca Veche site where the strong feminine energy of Mother Mary and other Pre-Christian feminine energies are present. Then, in Bran we visit the Vlad Tepes Castle (Dracula Castle) -if time allows it .
Ziua 2: Sambata - Sinca Veche – Bran
Day 3: Busteni - Sfinx - Omu
We have a trip with the cable car up on the mountain to visit the Romanian Sphinx – said to be energetically connected to the Egyptian one. We visit the OMU peak, one of the highest and also most energized peaks in Romania and other sacred places specific to the Pre-Christian sun-worshippers.
We visit a strong energy point up in the mountains, recharge and then leave to the Transilvanian citadels.
Vizitam Sfinxul Romaniei despre care se spune ca ar fi conetat energetic cu Sfinxul egiptean. Vizitam Vf. OMU si alte situri pre-crestine,.Vizitam punctele energetice din munti apoi plecam spre cetatile transilvanene.
Day 4 - Busteni – Iasi. Return to Iasi: end of the trip
We return to Iasi by 7-8 in the afternoon. We will cross famous mountain roads, with spectacular mountain views, take photos and enjoy the sites there.
Ziua 4 - Intoarcerea la Iasi; finalul excursiei.
Ne intoarcem in Iasi pana in orele 7-8 dupa-amiaza, dupa trecerea muntilor. Vom opri pentru fotografii si pentru a ne bucura de obiectivele de pe traseu.
Ne intoarcem in Iasi pana in orele 7-8 dupa-amiaza, dupa trecerea muntilor. Vom opri pentru fotografii si pentru a ne bucura de obiectivele de pe traseu.
The whole group will be meeting in Iasi and from there transported by cars or shuttle to all the points in the tour. A Romanian English speaking guide will inform participants on the places we visit and the energetic treasures we tone in to the energy points we visit.
For more information please contact Cristiana Eltrayan – +4 0746 165 813 or e-mail to

Costs: about 333 Euro/ 355 USD, which include:
- accomodation*,
- transportation Iasi - Mountain tour - Iasi (according to the general program of the group; should you want to leave/return at a different hour, the transportation is up to you)
- full translated English and Romanian guidance about all the places we visit (should there be visitors from other countries we'll see how we manage translations; our guide is able to also provide guidance in French and Italian).
* Some accomodation might include breakfast. Yet, depending on the group type and accomodation type, the food management may be up to you.
To book please use the BUY NOW button to make your reservation deposit of 174 E/190 USD.
Please note that the Paypal price is expressed in USD but the conversion is one automatically.
The rest of the tour fee is to be payed one week before the tour date.

Holistic Therapist & Life Coach
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