vineri, 30 octombrie 2015

Piramida holografica din Ceahlau

" In prima decadă a lunii august, la răsăritul Soarelui, umbra vârfului piramidal Toaca, combinată cu umbra vârfului Piatra Ciobanului, formează, timp de peste 80 de minute, o hologramă naturală, cu aspect de piramidă perfectă. Prin unicitate și măreție, fenomenul constituie, fără îndoială, din cele mai vechi timpuri, o autentică hierofanie și, după opinia noastră, constituie principalul motiv pentru desfășurarea, în timpul apariției sale, în prima decadă a lunii august, a Sărbătorii Muntelui, o sărbătoare uraniană, cu o vechime posibilă mai mare de 5.000 de ani (peste care s-a suprapus o sărbătoare creștină).
Doar doi munți din România au sărbătoarea lor, Ceahlău și Găina. Ziua Muntelui, organizată în fiecare an pe 6 august în Ceahlău, are o semnificație ce se pierde în negura timpurilor și a ajuns fie confundată cu “Schimbarea la față”, sărbătorită de ortodocși la aceeași dată. Oamenii pleacă de cu noapte, pentru a ajunge în vârf dimineața, când răsare soarele.

Spiritual evolution? Change, change, change, let go...change!

Folositi butonul TRANSLATE pentru limba romana

     Six years ago, 2009, a very busy life spinning around me.One evening woke up on the bathroom floor...after a short "pause in consciousness". A few days later, visiting hospitals, doctors with no answers for my condition, just the "Maybe you're too tired" phrase.I was too tired. I was tired of my life...
Or maybe Spirit was "cutting off power", as I was too away from my life's path.
     So after getting back on track, as soon as I'm able to drive I get in the car and join a meditation group.I needed balance. And so my  spiritual journey re-started.
     As a kid, I would always say " We are energy, everything is energy" - I had read some philosophical books and it just felt right...I liked to meditate/ sleep inside crystals and I loved art and any type of esotheric science.Studied numerology, even chiromancy, with the avidity of a starving scientist. Yet, somehow, I was unclear about the Divine Presence, I would see it more like an ubicuous energy governing everything than a men with a beard standing there above a church. And so it started with spirituality for me in my early childhood...then I grew up, became a manager and forgot all about it...until I turned 27.
     After re-starting the meditations, the leap in consciousness started and my outer life had to adapt my inner movements & changes. 'Cause spirituality always comes with big changes and cleaning in the day to day life, when practiced diligently. If only we have the strength to follow our inner guidance.
     Then the game of change began to grow stronger:
     2010, - changed job on full "economical crisis", deciding to start my own business, when everyone thought I was crazy.I started my own company according to my inner guidance and it went great from week 1.
     2011, afetr 6 years of marriage, felt it was no longer in allignment with my soul and moved on, not looking back. Well, sort of...but did the game of change anyway!
     2011, again, changed car, way of working in my company and many other things that I had to give away
     2012, after two beautiful years in my new company and my new relationship, after redecorating my home and finally being in a state of "worldly" satisfaction, had to change it all again: left my home, moved in a rented one, changed the course of my company from medical events organizing  to personal&spiritual development ones, and it was all almost like starting anew...Changes, changes, changes.
     2013, spring, again a time of change: After 10 days of darkroom, with only fruit juice or prana, non-stop meditation and learning new energy techniques, change came again. Got home and felt the walls were too narrow, had to leave again, my spirit was not fitting in anymore - so this time I had to change everything: moved to a new city, within a single week, gave all the money i had left to the rent owner, then..started praying. I had no idea how it will work, started a new job form scratch in the holistic therapy , had no friends in this new city, and all I knew is I am there to seriously practice the holistic therapy I had learned. I also knew I had to start workshops and conferences on spirituality and energy healing, I knew I had to stop and change the activity in my company again...And so I did! All I had was the divine guidance, no clear projects and plans. But that was enough for me.
      Did I worry? Yes, mostly about the rent, as I was not really used to live in someone else's house, so I felt an immense pressure at the end of every month, until things got into balance. The rest of it seemed really fine, work projects started pouring in, people started to get to know me, and a huge amount of creativity kept flowing though.
      So...2 years later, again, 2015, after having written 3 books, recorded 5 guided meditation CDs, video classes and more, held more than 60 conferences on spiritual evolution around the country and many many healing sessions, am ready and pushed to change again. Just ended a beautiful but complicated 4-5 years relationship, finished redecorating and harmonizing my home, my career is in balance and my clients it's obviously time for a new stage.
      Ready to leave it all again, fully prepared for what future and divine grace have to offer.
      Dera danda uthao :)

Terapeut holistic & Life Coach
Tel: 0746 165 813

marți, 27 octombrie 2015

A charity campaign of Selfless Service: YOU'D BETTER...LOVE

YOU'D  BETTER...LOVE: A charity campaign of Selfless Service
part of The Luscious Lifestyle Program
Video classes with Cristiana Dragomir Eltrayan

For the whole program please visit

Eric Whitacre -- Fly to Paradise


Holistic Therapist&Coach
Tel: 0746 165 813

luni, 26 octombrie 2015

Semne că ai întâlnit o persoană dintr-o alta viata

joi, 22 octombrie 2015

Dezvoltare spirituala - The Embassy of Peace

Cursurile Ambasadei Pacii (The Embassy of Peace​), studiate cu Jasmuheen​, sunt acum si in format video pentru acasa (facilitator Cristiana Dragomir Eltrayan):



O parte dintre cei care le-au urmat au devenit ulterior Ambasadori ai Pacii, prin acreditarea in cadrul trainingului Embassy of Peace.
M-am bucurat sa fiu martora la asta! :)

Cu drag,
Terapeut holistic & Life Coach
Tel: 0746 165 813

joi, 15 octombrie 2015

Perceperea realitatii celor din jur - cum e sa te simti "in corpul altuia"

Am gasit de curand intr-o carte o explicatie clara a ceea ce se intampla in cadrul sedintelor mele de terapie, o descriere ordonata in cuvinte pe care le caut de mult. O vreme chiar am evitat sa explic intru totul modul cum imi parvin informatiile intuitive, pentru ca procesul mi se parea straniu, inedit si chiar ciudat...caci niciun curs pe care l-am urmat in domeniul terapiilor alternative si energeticii nu descrie modul meu de lucru. Astazi insa constat ca procesul pe care il experimentez  este absolut natural si "vine la pachet cu o constiinta a unitatii, a faptului ca a avea un corp nu ne separa, in mod real, de ceilalti.
Iata ce scrie Penney Peirce, lector si terpeut, specializata in lecturi psihice de peste 35 de ani:
" constatat ca ii pot simti pe oameni in intregul meu corp, nu doar cu mintea mea. Procesarea informatiilor era mai lenta, dar conexiunea personala pe care o simteam cu ceilalti era mult mai profunda.

miercuri, 7 octombrie 2015

Noile energii si schimbarile personale

Cateva idei noi despre transformarile de constiinta si materiale care sa te ajute in noile energii.

Noile energii si schimbarile personale

Unii dintre noi am aflat deja, altii afla acum, ca pe planeta au fost momente de transformari majore in ultima perioada, culminand cu eruptiile solare din 27-28 septembrie 2015, care au marcat un nou val de schimbari puternice pentru intreaga omenire - in sensul bun :) (vezi info aici:

Poate ai simtit si tu ca se intampla lucruri noi sau ciudate in viata ta, sau poate pur si simplu nu stii de ce simti sa faci schimbari la care nici nu te gandisesi pana acum..."Responsabile" cu aceste senzatii sunt transformarile de constiinta la care ia parte planeta si care ne influenteaza pe fiecare intr-o anumita masura.

marți, 6 octombrie 2015

Efectele culorii rosii - cromoterapie

"In Japonia, culorea rosie este purtata aproape exclusiv de catre femei. Este un simbol al sinceritatii si fericirii.
Culoarea roşie măreşte tonusul muscular, accelerează pulsul, măreşte tensiunea, accelerează circulaţia sângelui, creşte eliberarea adrenalinei şi actvitatea ficatului. Adânceşte respiraţia. 
Efectele culorii rosii
Rosul este considerat un stimulent universal. Aceasta culoare are actiuni binefacatoare asupra sangelui si faciliteaza regenerarea celulara, mareste puterea vointei si curajul.
Mai ales in cazul temperamentelor sanguine, colerice sau hipertensionate este recomandat sa se utilizeze (dupa cum am prezentat in articolele anterioare) in mod gradat si in doze reduse.
Efectele fiziologice ale culorii rosii: creste presiunea sanguina, mareste tonusul muscular, activeaza respiratia, da o senzatie pregnanta de caldura, datorita intensitatii ridicate a energiei radiante a lungimii de unda electro-magnetica ce ii corespunde.

Spiritual & personal harmonization & The Ascended Masters

Could our life just be LUSCIOUS?
Well, yes, it can!
Just a few simple  steps to follow, and your life transforms miraculously :)
This is the presentation of The Luscious Lifestyle Program (and the video classes forming it) and also offers insights about the masters who create an shared it.
To see more please go to:


Holistic Therapist&Coach
Tel: 0746 165 813


The new 2015 program for personal and spiritual harmonization, now in video classes
-The Luscious Lifestyles Program - English version.
See info here:


Holistic Therapist&Coach
Tel: 0746 165 813

sâmbătă, 3 octombrie 2015

Do you take time to appreciate your child?

Just came back from The Embassy of Peace after a long and powerful training with one of the most beautiful group of people I've ever encountered.
As I sit in meditation, one insight comes back to me over a over again: I know every parent loves his child to some degree, a child is naturally stirring love in another's heart and especially in his parents...but, on the other hand, do you really feel you appreciate him? Because, you see, appreciation has a totally different vibration than love and it triggers totally different energy centers: meanwhile love heals and enhances the heart, appreciation heals self confidence and the confidence of those you appreciate, triggering a circuit of love between the those involved.
I've seen in my journeys beautiful families, wonderful mothers of amazing children, their hearts opened an their eyes shining with beautiful love, yet, when it came to appreciation, it still felt like mothers wanted more from their children, as if, them being there, healthy, breathing and loving, wasn't enough for them, almost like an ego's race towards achievements, they would still ask more from their children, still being discontented, no matter how great they were. Almost like an unconscious permanent demanding, constantly imposing on them to strive for more, meanwhile to my eyes their greatness was so obvious...

joi, 1 octombrie 2015

Cartile mele


v-am pregatit o carte ca o bucurie: numai buna de luat la SPA sau pe malul marii, relaxanta, fluida, dar si...utila, caci va ofera indrumarile primite de mine in timpul cursurilor si sedintelor de terapie pentru armonizare feminina.
Dedic această carte tuturor femeilor, cu drag și din toată inima și în mod special pacientelor și cursantelor mele, care m-au inspiriat și m-au ajutat să găsesc cuvintele potrivite pentru a exprima tot ceea ce simțeam pentru vindecarea lor și a mea!
"In urma sedintelor de terapie, cursurilor si discutiilor cu femeile care imi sunt dragi , am venit in intampinarea cerintelor feminine cu o creatie care sa va bucure si sa va fie de ajutor. "
Life Coach, Cristiana Dragomir