duminică, 29 noiembrie 2015


Motto: "What would be best: fulfilling all your wishes, or transcending your greatest one?"
Samsara - the movie

Well, this seems to be the core dilemma at the center of many spiritual seekers...As many traditions have taught us about transcendence, when one "embarks" on his spiritual path, he seems to embrace the need to "give it all up" and many find themselves highly ungrounded after a time of intense spiritual practice.
Being able to not get profoundly impacted or imbalanced by the changes in your life, or the "external" world is one thing, yet filling compelled to detached from "worldly" joy in order to feel spiritual is another. We are here for the JOY. External is a reflection of the internal. Our ability to bring and hold light into matter (or to maintain the focus that matter is light, by mere observation) seems to be the key for this new era. The creation of "Heaven on Earth" begins with the acknowledging of Earth as Heaven, of our body as temples, of worldly activities as divine expressions of our light-being nature.

vineri, 27 noiembrie 2015

The Rich Romania - Romania cea bogata

Some people think of Romania as of a poor country. But it's not really a poor country, it's just that the resources are not well distributed and people have a poverty mentality. The country, though, is actually very rich: lots of gold and riches in the soil, all forms of relief, all available seasons to grow good crops, rich fertile soil to plant crops in, good, healthy, healing waters and all the seven energy centers connected to the Planetary Anahata...

marți, 24 noiembrie 2015

Dive deeper, love stronger, open your heart wider...

I sometimes see people living by routine most of the time: running around, doing their deeds, spinning thoughts in their head - most of the time in their head. And when an unusual event gets them back to their heart (maybe the death of a dear one, the birth of a child, maybe falling in love), it's like they're stripped bare, pants pulled down without a notice, they don't know what to do and most of them get scared, trying to escape back in their head or back intro the quotidian again...
But that's just the first shot, and once you've opened your heart again it's gonna keep on coming...wink emoticon

sâmbătă, 14 noiembrie 2015

Raw Generation Expo la Iasi - 15.11.15

Raw Generation Expo si-a deschis pentru prima data portile in Bucuresti, in toamna anului 2010 si a continuat pana in prezent cu editii in Bucuresti si in alte orase ale tarii. Ne-am bucurat foarte mult ca ne-am putut intalni, cunoaste si mai ales ca ati venit special pentru noi din intreaga tara si din alte parti ale lumii. Dar a sosit momentul sa venim si noi la voi, asadar anul acesta am organizat o editie de Raw Generation Expo la Cluj (aici puteti vedea pozele de la eveniment), iar in toamna aceasta, ne indreptam spre Iasi. E bine de retinut ca editia de la Bucuresti se va tine mereu, insa una sau doua editii pe an vor fi si in alte orase importante din Romania dar si din alte tari.

Meditation and High Blood Pressure

"Meditation has long been revered for its mind, body and spirit benefits. It is a practice that has stood the test of time for thousands of years, and now in every walk of life – from children to adults and in every religion, it is being slowly accepted as normal practice. Most people consider the spiritual benefits of meditation and rarely ever think about the physical benefits that one can gain through the practice of meditation.

What Meditation Is

Meditation is the practice of bringing the mind, body and soul into harmony with one another. Sounds easy! well luckily, it is, but so many people think of it as a chore and not something that is a gift that is inherent within us all – rather like your intuition.

marți, 10 noiembrie 2015

Exercitiile fizice potrivite si Respectarea corpului

Exercitiile fizice potrivite si Respectarea corpului

INTRO - Parte introductiva a cursului video SUCCESUL CA STIL DE VIATA cu Cristiana Dragomir Eltrayan. 
In acest curs afli despre gasirea ritmului potrivit, a motivatiei si a vointei necesare in exercitiile fizice, despre cum sa te conectezi cu propriul corp si sa ii asculti nevoile si despre cum sa faci alegeri intelepte in toate aspectele legate de corpul fizic: alimentatie, sport, cosmetice, hidratare etc.
Acest workshop este un modul al cursului video SUCCESUL CA STIL DE VIATA cu Cristiana Dragomir Eltrayan. Pentru intreg cursul intra pe:
Detalii despre facilitator:

Pentru intreg cursul intra pe:

Cu drag,

Terapeut holistic & Life Coach
Tel: 0746 165 813
E-mail: cristiana.dragomir999@gmail.com

sâmbătă, 7 noiembrie 2015

Attention to children

Children not having received enough attention in their early childhood, they always play two roles as adults, searching for energy:
The distant: the one who pretends not to be interested, plays the cold/tough guy, always hiding feelings, most of the time betraying his heart's call;
The victim:  the one always complaining, blaming or moaning, in an unhappy pose, in search of some compassion or attention.
Both of the roles are equally destructive in relationships, and really unnecessary, as there's enough energy for all in this big Universe and there's no need to play roles to get it from another person.
There's still much to be said about this, and it's the kind of situation that can eventually be easily resolved in a Soul Healing session, but, as parents, please always make sure you take time for your children, always put them first: their physical and emotional health depends on it.


Cristiana Dragomir Eltrayan  
Holistic Therapist & Coach
 (Soul Healing)  
Tel:+4 0746 165 813
E-mail: cristiana.dragomir999@gmail.com  
Youtube: Cristiana Dragomir Eltrayan