Joy and relaxation are the most obvious gifts of the dance.Still, dancing is also one of the easyest and most aceesible healing and personal harmonisation techniques. By moving certain muscular groups and by pressing and relaxing certain areas of execution,blood irrigation and decontraction are induced to body areas that are usually ignored in fitness or aerobic exercise ang totally forgotten for those who don’t have any sport activities.
Dance is also a beautiful way of emotional healing, as the “home” of the emotions is the sacral area.As we move the energies in this area, “feelings come to surface slowly and delicately,by being acknowledged and accepted and life can be seen from a different perspective”*
For more details on the effects of dancing ,Adevents Unu presents a fragment from Rosina Fawzia Al-Rawi’s book, “Grandmother’s secrets-The ancient rituals and healing power of belly-dance”:
“The waist is the border between the upper part and the lower part of the body.The spine sustains the internal organs and it finds it’s balance in the hips, that are the foundation of all moves. The head or the brain box contains the brain, the cerebellum and the brain stem. The brain box is connected to the nervous grid that comes out through the first four cervical vertebrae. It can be stimulated by rotating and balancing the head.
The chest, that is bounded by a membrane called pleura, contains the lungs and the heart. Here is the nervous network of the arms, that is connected to the pulmonary and heart nerves. This area can be stimulated by shoulder moves, by rib cage exercises , by wave-like moves and stretching the arms.
Inside the belly band or abdomen there are: the pancreas, the kidneys, the perineum, the stomach, the liver, the bile, the spleen, the small and large intestine. This area is stimulated by rotating the abdominal muscles, by moving the hips in an eight figure pattern and double circles. It also contains the solar plexus that unites all the organs in the abdominal area and it can be stimulated by abdominal rotations and by trembling moves of the diaphragm.
In the pelvis area or the hip there are the bladder, the sexual organs, the sigmoid intestine and the rectum. Even though there’s no anatomical separation between the abdominal area and the pelvis, we can better understand the whole picture by delimitating the two areas. The pelvic area can be stimulated by and by rotating the hips and various circular basin moves. The nervous network of the pelvic area unites the lower pelvic cavity with the sigmoid intestine, the rectum, the bladder and the ovaries/testicles.
The dorsum cavity or the back is made of a long tube in the spine that contains the spinal marrow. The back area can be reinforced by head moves, shoulder moves and pelvic moves. . There are four types of vertebrae: seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic, five lumbar vertebrae and the sacral area, so a total of twenty five dorsal vertebrae. If we try to imagine these divisions we become aware of the way in which dancing influences our body and of the stimulatory effect that each move has on various centers.
The spinal cord unites all the organs by the nervous system and the connecting tissue. The nervous system includes four main areas of the nerves. At a physical level the distribution of vital energy is made through our spine which helps the brain communicate with it’s “messengers” which are located in the spinal cord.[…]By making free moves of the hips the spinal cord and, through the spine, the whole internal organs can be stimulated. The balancing, the rotations and the spirals used during the dance delicately and gradually stimulate the latent energies, so that they raise up along the whole body. Thus, the dance refines the energy and the consciousness progressively , in a playful manner and in a perfect harmony ,without causing any trauma.”
Dancing gives us the possibility of freely expressing the basic characteristics of femininity, by stimulating the revealing of it ’s archetypal tendencies .
Cu drag,![]()
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