luni, 26 mai 2014


As women, expressing our femininity and sexuality  is essential for our health and harmony. 
Maybe we have censored them because of learned convictions or past experiences that generated fear, but  it's time to let them unfold harmoniously in this world for us to be healthier and happier!
During the workshop: MEDITATIVE DANCE -  SACRED DANCE FOR HEALING we have the opportunity to let loose all aspects of our femininity, of our power as women, reminding us natural flow of energy through our bodies and healing through dance. We will remember to let the music flow through our bodies to "dance us through", to break the walls of our main energy and strength - the feminine energy - so that it can manifest freely.
The facilitator will channel through, during the dance, the main feminine energies that need to be expressed,  for the group to heal.


 - meditative dance  initiation;
 - initiation into the expression and release of emotions through meditative dance; 
- initiation in the feminine acceptance state through the meditative dance; 
- practical exercises

 Date: Saturday  at 18:00.
 Duration: 3 hrs


Healing discussions and initiations in the following  topics:

- themes and aspects of femininity expressed in eros; 
- integrating the masculine and feminine aspects of our being, as women;
- sacred sexuality and its manifestations in us as women
- integrating harmonious femininity .

Date: Sunday, at 11.00.
Duration: 3 hrs

More on Meditative dance:

Cristiana Dragomir
Energy Harmonization Therapist & Coach
(Pranic Healing, ThetaHealing, Angel Healing)
Tel: +40 746 165 813
E-mail: cristiana.dragomir999 @

vineri, 2 mai 2014

Jasmuheen despre sistemul de calibrare al lui David Hawkings - Nivelele constiintei

Jasmuheen despre sistemul de calibrare al lui David Hawkings si despre cum starea noastra impacteaza mii, chiar sute de mii de fiinte.
Mai multe informatii despre vindecare alternativa si stil de viata sanatos gasesti si in cartea PASI PENTRU O VIATA SEDUCATOARE
Comanda cartea aici

Cu drag,

Cristiana Dragomir
Terapeut armonizare energetica
(Vindecare cu lumina, ThetaHealing, Angel Healing)
Tel: 0746 165 813

joi, 1 mai 2014

Demonstratii stiintifice ale efectelor rugaciunii

"Din datele si masuratorile  realizate de fizicienii rusi, folosind tehnologie si echipamente de ultima ora, s-a ajuns la concluzia ca daca facem semnul crucii in orice situatie si sub orice forma, indepartam bacteriile si ne amelioram suferintele de orice fel. Sunt situatii in care semnul crucii, facut cu sarguinta si daruire, combinat cu rugaciune indelungata, vindeca boli grele, uneori chiar si boli considerate incurabile.
De asemenea, s-a demonstrat ca obtinem o mai mare eficienta in rugaciune atunci cand ne rugam la Dumnezeu, folosind cuvintele noastre asa cum simtim sa le spunem. Asadar, sa vorbim cu Dumnezeu asa cum stim noi mai bine! Sa-I adresam cuvinte pe intelesul nostru in functie de nevoile noastre, ca si cum ar fi prietenul si sustinatorul nostru. In rugaciune, vorbim cu Dumnezeu.

Sexualitatea - intre libertate si cenzura

 Prin adoptarea traditiilor mistice orientale s-au imprumutat programele si convingerile unei societati cu o vasta cultura in domeniul erotic si s-au aplicat peste cele ale unei Romanii traditional monogame si cu puternice elemente de cenzura a sexualitatii, specifice ortodoxiei. Astfel, sufletul care adopta o atitudine fata de eros specifica orientului se vede brusc divizat intre incercarea de a fi "validat" spiritual -  prin adoptarea practicilor si convingerilor traditiei respective - si starile de vinovatie plus normele de conduita sociala implementate in religia si societatea in care s-a nascut si pe care le-a primit la nivel genetic.