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joi, 19 martie 2015
Puppy love
Ieri am fost la un pet-shop unde sunt "abonata" la dragalit animale si am gasit in vitrina un catelus alb similar cu cel din imagine. Era foarte mic si am crezut ca e bolnav, pt ca statea intr-un colt si nu raspundea la niciun "stimul": nu-l interesau nici copiii care se apropiau de vitrina sa se joace cu el, nici mancarea si nici cand am deschis vitrina sa il iau nu a sarit de bucurie cum fac colegii lui...A venit in final la mine si l-am luat in brate si atunci am inteles ca nu era bolnav, ci ii era dor e mama lui, era luat de langa ea de foarte mic iar grauntele cu care era hranit nu compensau laptele matern si nici...iubirea.
L-am tinut in brate si l-am "umplut" cu energia mamei, iar la scurt timp a inceput sa dea in coada si chiar sa imi linga mana vesel, semn ca revenea la viata.
Morala povestii: adeverata civilizatie incepe cand vom intelege ca animalele nu pot fi tinute in custi si comercializate pentru bucuria si placerea noastra, fara a tine cont de confortul si de sufletul lor. Abia cand, ca umanitate, ne vom da seama ca nu e normal sa "folosim" alte suflete, ne vom putea numi civilizati si vom evolua intr-adevar.
Yesterday I went to a pet shop where I sometimes "book" to petting animals and I found a small white puppy in the front shop window. I thought he was ill, as it din't respond to any "stimulus" - the kids trying to play with him or the food he had - and not even when I opened the window of his cage.
He eventually came to me and as I took him in my arms,I felt he was not ill, he was missing his mother, as he had been taken from her at a very young age and did not find comfort in the food that can't compensate for the mother milk or a mother's love.
I held him and "filled" him with mother energy, and he suddenly became vivid, playful, started waving his tale at me as he came back to life.
Moral of the story: wise man say true civility only begins when we understand that animals can't be held in cages and sold for our own joy and pleasure. It's only when - as a race - we understand that is not normal to "use" other souls, that we can call our race civilized, and truly evolve.
Cu drag,
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